Hello Dhaaarlings...
Here are a few snaps of Blooms from my garden after it's recent cleanup and makeover...
The roses have been a picture this year in comparison to others past...
But... I'm having a terrible time trying to get snaps of them for you...
Each time I head out with camera in hand to snap some shots... I pass the Empress coming back with her arms full of roses... So sadly.... there is not much to show you...
I think I might have to start hanging bells from the rosebushes that are about to bloom... just to alert me to the Empress's presence clutching her trusty seceteurs...
I think old wheelbarrrows make for wonderful garden planters...
Climbing geraniums always put on a great display... Although the white one here has become quite dominanant... It used to be quite happy to share this old stump with a lovely soft mauve climbing geranium but i notice that since the drought the mauve plant seems to have been relegated to the other side of the stump with less full sun and more shade. There is only one little mauve bloom... right at the bottom of the picture. The bicolour pink and white is happy to do it's own thing to the left of the picture.
Spring has certainly popped some colour into the garden...
I just can't wait for the Cosmos, Aquilegia and Asters... planted recently...
to burst into bloom... They should put on a wonderful display all going well...
No doubt I'll attemt to show you the results... That is... If I can beat the Empress to them before she get's there with her clippers...