Hello Dhaaarlings....
Poor old Princess has been busier than a troop of plate spinners of late and has been terribly neglectful of blogging or at least letting folks know that I'm still here...
It seems that after 2 weeks comments no longer get posted on the blog but go to await moderation so if I don't check them regularly and then publish them they don't appear. My appologies to anyone effected by this.
Anyway, let me catch you up with what I've been busy doing...
Hats and costume sourcing for Music Man... and going to planning meetings about the show.
Remember the friend I spoke about some time back that has pancreatic cancer? Well i've been running about trying to get her some assistance with home help as she recouperates from further surgery. It seems that her medical history has left her with multiple defecits including problems with budgeting resulting in her power and gas almost being cut off over christmas new year...
Fortunately we were able to sort out a regular payment plan that covers her power gas and rent. Unfortunately she is back in hospital again.
The garden has been suffering badly from the string of heatwaves that we have had over summer... Endless watering (as we have not had rain) has resulted in a higher than usual water bill but the garden and my sanity is better for it... Watering the garden is "My Time" I really enjoy the time to just relax and think and de- stress.
The Empress has not been travelling well of late... She is having what the doctors think are mild strokes caused by her episodic high blood pressure.
They knock her about a bit and she spends the next day or so resting in bed or laying on the couch which is most unlike her... She is finding it to be very frustrating as it physically stops her from doing what she would ordinarily be doing on a day to day basis. Getting her about to regular doctors appointments, optometrists and podiatry clinics, church activities and the op shop on days when she is well enough keeps me busy and out and about driving her to these appontments in the car most days.
Aside from that the Duck Costume people continue with orders...
I've recently completed a set of "Practice costumes" along with Six navy blue ponchos to put on the ducks at a performance.
I'm curently trying to create "School Uniforms" 3 female and 3 male that the ducks will be parading at the Schools Fete. A bundle of old uniforms arrived in the mail from the school last week for me to create authentic costumes (including school ties) for the ducks.
Oh... And I've started a training course with a volunteer organisation that visit the elderly in their homes, they were looking for people to train up so I put my name down as I have very little else to do with my time darlings...
Till next time... Bottoms Up!