Hello Dhaaarlings!
Where have you been Princess? I hear you say...
Well darlings to put you all out of your "worried about Prinny" minds...
Quite frankly... I've been sitting here in front of a very blank computer screen.
One minute I'm Zooming about the webisphere busily researching pornsites, er, costumes and the next minute *phuzut* and i'm left with a blank screen and a computer that just wont re boot... No matter what I try. Not even a lovely big sledge hammer could persuade it to work!
So instead I set to work on costumes for
"The Music Man"
We had 76 kids turn up for auditions... I nearly collapsed on the floor when I was told how many there were.
In the end we had a few drop out so ended up with a cast of 68.
Once again the head costumier did her usual "I'm only doing the leads" and
I again ended up doing the bulk of the design and construction of the costumes with 2 ensemble casts and the male leads.
The difference for me this year, was that rather than getting myself all upset over her lack of support and interference by not following through on what is initially agreed to be part of her brief and then changing things on her own back without letting me or the director know... I just stepped back and got on with my own work and left it to the director to sort her out when costumes were not ready, or hadn't even been fitted to the performers a week before dress rehearsal!
Lets just say that "the proverbial" hit the fan and the director finally got to see her in full flight,
The costumes that she did manage to complete looked good but We all could have done without all the palarva that went on in getting there...
Subsequently the Head costumier has decided to take a break for a year.
As for me... I just got on with the task and the head costumier kept a very low profile for the remainder of the lead up to the show... Consequently I discovered that, unlike other years with the head costumier running the show... this year (as a result of the above) I had about half a dozen Mums put their hand up to help me out with costumes... Which made the task all the more easier for me with willing helpers that appreciated being treated as part of a team and not just some lacky to be given some menial task to do.
The show went off swimmingly
Each kid in the show had a minimum of 2 costumes,
I ended up making about 80 hats
I lost count of the numbers of gloves, belts, ties, bow-ties and cravats that were sourced or made
And I really felt appreciated by the group of Mum's that were so willing to help out and so generous with their skills and especially their time.
I'll post some pics from the show as soon as I work out how to drive this new contraption!
In other news the Empress is now in fine fettle since her blood pressure is back under control. Not having had a "Funny Turn" for months now. We continue on the merry go round of doctors appointments and clinic visits but the news is all good these days....
I'm now in full swing with costumes for the school end of year production.
This year we are doing...
The little Mermaid.
It's Moi Darlings!
Lets just hope I don't stuff it up....
Bottoms Up!