Monday, February 1, 2016

Hello Dhaaarlings...
Where has January gone?
I seem to have blinked and missed it...

I currently surrounded by Farmers...


And full circle skirts...

Yes... The Phaff is firing up again for this years theatre production of Oklohoma!
It's all very exciting with a brand new venue this year.
No longer will we be using a local hall for the production but this year have the opportunity to put the show on in a real theatre in the centre of town!

It is big step up for all the production team with lots of new protocols and procedures to get our heads around let alone the added pressure for the cast...
Needless to say I'll be head down and bum up at the sewing machine for the next few months so I'll probably not be around much. (not that i've been around much since the beginning of the year) what with increasing my hours to 2 days a week volunteering at the opportunity shop and continuing with pastoral care visiting.
I'm looking forward to what the year will bring, and i'll do my best to keep you informed at the goings on around the Palais

bottoms up darlings....