Sunday, February 7, 2010

"The Palais" Has a Tree Party....

Continuing with my gardening theme from last post....

I would like to thank you all your assistance in helping Princess watch the farm hands in their harvest of the Vegetable Patch...

It was such fun...

And as most of you have already met my head gardener, and several of the gardening boys in the Hot House

I thought that it would only be polite to introduce you to some of my "specialist" garden employees...

This is my "Palais Arbourist"

As you are probably aware from your visits to my beautiful abode....

The gardens contain many curious....

and interesting......

Requiring regular maintenence

One of the most exotic species in the "Palais Gardens"


The "Homofruitious Malenudious"
"Naked Man Tree"

It is most fascinating, for, as the fruit matures....

It begins to hang...

and ripen on the tree ready for the picking....

There is also....

A Prostrate variety...

And one that blooms in winter...

 As you can see...
 it grows with a thicker skin...
 protecting it's more succulent parts...

For now though, I think we should...

 let the...

"Palais Arbourist"...

 go about his business...

Checking for strong and healthy limbs

And firm thick farmhands... I mean... Roots 

Don't You?

Next time you visit join me for a Fabulous tour the Rose Garden

Till then...

Cocktails Anyone?


  1. Will you take me poolside to feel the summer breeze,
    There's a place that looks inviting by the frangipani trees,
    A little taste of moonlight,
    And a canopy of stars,
    It's a feeling,
    Such a feeling,
    Something I cannot hide,
    You're the reason,
    I'm so high

  2. Dearest Pete,
    What a lovely sonnet
    Princess is touched...

    Have you fallen out of one of my trees?

    Or partaken in one too many fruits from the "Naked Man Tree"?

  3. That last nude looks Photoshopped. All yours honey, he'd make my eyes water and not in a good way.

    But I'll happily walk through your gardens, many beautiful things there to admire.

  4. Dear Roses,
    I have to agree with you on the last nude, though.

    Have been busy with my camera and plan to post some shots from my real garden soon so stay tuned.

  5. It's a Kylie song, but it does sound beautiful.

    Maybe I should look into being an arbourist assistance in Australia. The trees are beautiful and they look ripe for pricking, sorry picking.

  6. Dear MJ,
    Thankyou for the tip on Chiggers
    they look very similar to what we call "Bush Ticks" Nasty little bloodsuckers. There is one found in Northern Australia that causes paralysis in dogs.

    The common Bush tick latches on then just keeps getting more amd more engorged with blood, growing in size by 5 to 10 times its normal size.
    Very difficult to treat.

  7. Dear Pete,

    I thought I recognised the words,they sent me spinning around for quite a while...

    Poolside frangipanni's sound delightful and their aroma is very heady.

    A budding arbourist, now I wonder what the attraction to that line of work could be?:-)

  8. Since I have no gardening skills at all, it is a good question..

  9. Dear Pete,

    I am sure that if you apply yourself fervently, you "wood" soon get the hang of it!
