Friday, August 19, 2011

Am I Worried???

Do these shorts make my arse look Big?


  1. Hello Princess:
    We have just returned to our keyboard to find that your concerns are still the same as a month earlier.....

    However, we now feel that we are no longer concerned about the whereabouts of the shorts, it is the pert bottom which we seek!!

  2. I cannot answer your question as I am too worried that those cheeks will jump into motion and run away from me!

  3. Perhaps something with lace sans the skidmarks.

  4. My Dear Hattatt's

    How lovely of you to return following your recent exploits abroad. I trust you enjoyed the home made goodies discovered in that lovely little treasure trove of fine wares.

    As you can see I am still deliberating on which shorts to wear.

    Such difficult decisions haunt my days

    Dear Deep Blue

    Indeed, they are certainly in need of some support. I think I shall consider crafting something in whale bone to do the trick....

    Dear Wally

    I held the same fear myself. However the picture fails to disclose the shackles around the ankles... I doubt that he will get too far... This should alay some oof your anxiety...

    My Dear Roses

    Patience is required in even the most delicate of moments. I believe this shot was snapped just prior to full disclosure of his tasty assets.

    My Dear Mrs Bonita Panski-Dixon
    Welcome to "The Palais"
    Please feel free to avail yourself of the many delights... I shall have a houseboy prepare you a welcoming Burbon.

    You are quite correct, "skid marks" to which you refer are quite unseemly. Alhough... a little lace can always add a festive feel to any garment...
