Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Can... Can.....

Hello Dhaaarlings

Ever helpful... Princess will be posting a series of handy hints and ideas for a water wise garden... With ideas gleaned from a recent adventure to the...

 Royal Botanical Gardens: Australian Native Garden 
in Cranbourne Victoria.

Princess couldn't resist snapping some marvellous new hybrids that will grow anywhere in a drought... or a flood for that matter....

They don't require any watering and even if they are over watered will continue to thrive and survive ... 

They are ideal for that "difficult to get to grow in" space in your garden and can tolerate any type of light conditions... Making them ideal "all year rounders"

They will continue grow unaffected by fluctuations in extreme temperatures...

 Any Light condition from full sun to full shade will not effect them adversely... I even found one growing in total darkness in the garden shed on our return to "The Palais"...

They can however at times become subject to rust and a good gardener will regularly check for any sign of it developing. Rust can usually be treated by topical application...

They do add a lovely touch of colour to an otherwise drab and dusty...or soggy and waterlogged garden... 

Here they are planted in a small clump to provide some colour accent and brightness to a shaded nook...

Waterbukketus Allweatherii "Ratsarse Red"

They look fabulous planted in swathes, adding some vertical height and vibrancy to an otherwise bleak and rocky patch..

Waterbukketus Allweatherii "Pussy Piss Yellow"

Currently available in primary colours of red yellow and blue...

New colour releases are scheduled for the Spring/Summer and consist of a do it yourself paint pot with a cute little brush...


Waterbukketus Allweatherii  "King George Blue"

Here's a multi planting of blue.. amid a pile of drought resistant rocks...

Looks quite stunning..don't you think?

 Create that all weather focal point that you have always wanted for your garden... by adding a flash of creativity and colour to your parched patch!

So get planting now Dhaaarlings...

Available from all good gardening stockists

Photo's by Princess

Courtesy link to the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne
"Australian Garden"


  1. It's kind of scary that they all face the same way! Sort of like a field of sunflowers!

  2. Hi XL

    Yes I thought so too. A bit like sunflowers. But initially I thought they looked more like Dr Who's Darleks.

    Ext...erminate... Ext...erminate...

    I have some old metal watering cans here that I am thinking about giving a makeover and mounting on poles about the yard....

  3. ...whatever happened to good old fashioned drought resistant plastic flowers?

  4. Cool re-purposing of an item!

    I'd paint them different colors or arrange them like a big flower blossom! Awesome!

  5. Wow! Amazing what people think to make into garden ornaments.

    Ah well, each to their own.

  6. Oh Princess, you minx. You had me going there for a brief moment until I scrolled down to the first pic.
