Sunday, September 12, 2010

They're a Weird Mob

Hello Dhaarlings...

It's Flash Mob Time....

I'll Raise You 2 Bondi's...

For One Opera House...


  1. I got lost researching 'Flash Mobs' and wound up discovering SciFi authors I'd never heard of before.

    I'm off to organize a 'flash mime mob' of my own in the middle of downtown at lunch.

    Wouldn't the world be more fun? Or annoying? I'm undecided on that point.

  2. Dearest XL

    I have found something for you that should be right up your alley...

    Dear Mr Pirate

    I find myself doing the same thing, not sci fi writers but strange and unusual clips posted by nutters!

    I think the whole Flash mob thing is getting quite tired and very rehearsed and orchestrated.
    The ones that are good look un rehearsed and impromptu...well apart from the blarring music...

    I'd like to have a go at being in one one day just for the hell of it ... it looks like fun...

    Good luck with your lunchtime extraveganza. I hope to see it on you tube soon....

  3. I still love Flash Mobs - Everyone seems to enjoy them and leaves with a smile on their faces.

  4. Dear Mr DeVice

    Thankyou for calling.

    They are fun but there are some that are just painful to watch along with all the "Funniest Wedding First Dance Ever" I think they used to be referred to as "The Bridal Waltz" Back in the day.....
    But I guess Flash mobs do pull a crowd...
