Sunday, March 27, 2011

Meet the new House Guest...

Hello Dhaaarlings...

Princess has been given a new house guest to adorn The Palais...

Last week the Empress arrived home from one of her many shopping expeditions and presented me with this...

A beautiful bright Siamese Fighting Fish

"Oh Mother... what did you do that for?" Said I...

"Just Because I love you Darling" said She...

"And you seemed so keen on getting one that day you took the Nieces and I to visit the Pet Shop before Christmas... And so disappointed when you came home the next week after finding out that the shop had sold out of them.

So... As I was just driving past the shop today (it was miles out of her way)

I figured I'd stop and see if they had restocked...


And luckily they had!"

I thanked the Empress with a big hug...

I have always been fascinated by Siamese Fighters and have longed to have one for many years... Well since I was a kid really.. 

Say Hello to "Mr Finn!"

I think he's quite flamboyant for a fish

He's not as grumpy as he looks....and is quite relaxing to watch as he wafts around in his watery home...

So, Today I took visit to the pet shop to get another one... And would you believe they had sold out of them again!

I now have an order placed for a bright blue buddy for him...

Which should be available by next weekend...

 Separate tanks of course... I don't want it to turn into a blood bath...

Male Siamese fighting fish tend be territorial and get very aggressive with each other and will often fight to the death!

But... I think that the occasional flexing of fabulous fins between next door neighbour's  might be a little interesting Dhaaarlings.

And I believe that they are not as noisy as peacocks...


  1. One fish, two fish;
    red fish, blue fish.
    Mr. Finn is quite the dish...
    I love Bettas, my mother had one that she trained to eat raw beef off of her finger tip.

  2. I went to school with this gorgeous Dutch guy who played the saxophone. Oh how 'Petra was in luuuuuuuurve and how disappointing that he was too, in one of my best friends named Sarah. His name was/is Finn.

    Your Finn is lovely too. The Empress is a daaaaaaarling for giving you a Finn.

  3. Lovely! and what an amazing color of blue. I read that watching fish swim is good for reducing stress.

  4. Gosh golly, I've never seen the blue kind. Boxer is quite right, it's a fabulous shade. If he dies, you can always use him as a brooch.
