Saturday, February 19, 2011


Still working that rainbow magic...


  1. Most impressed! how do you do that?

  2. damn, sugar! i read the title of this post on my blogroll and thought: OH.MY.GAWD.THE.PRINCESS.IS.LEAVING. don't scare me like that, sugar! gorgeous pics, btw. xoxoxoxox

  3. I read the title of this post and thought, "Yay! Nekkid gay men!"

  4. Me too MJ. I was a little disappointed but the images are lovely though

  5. Dear EmmaK

    If I were a magician I'd be saying that I cant tell... but as I'm not...
    just nick a pic from the interwebs!

    Sorry Savannah Darling
    That interpretation did not even enter my head. Let me appologise.
    The Princess has no intention of doing any such thing...

    Dear MJ and Petra
    Sorry to disappoint. I will work on rectifying the situation....

    Dear XL

    Sorry to disappoint. If you are into the trials and tribulations of a quitting smoker... might I suggest you leave supportive commentary over at Ms Roses Place As for Princess she's not ready to go down that road just yet...

    Dear Mago
    I must say that it has been quite a while since I last harvested some men. But I believe that in order to do so.... one must plant a few to begin with!

    Dear Wally
    It is... is it not?
