Wednesday, February 2, 2011

An arresting development...

Louboutin Lifter Lucks Out 

Authorities are celebrating the capture of the notorious international shoe thief.... Dubbed the Louboutin Lifter 

"Evil Petra"

Sightings of a Celine Cuisine Lookalike at a Parisienne Cafe

Led police to Tighten the net on the unsuspecting Evil Petra

When placed under arrest... Evil Petra denied any knowledge of the missing shoes... and maintained "I'm not that Danish pastry "Petra".... I've never heard of her... it should have been my fanny on that swing.... the Bitch...
It should have been me not that cow "Miss K"

  I'm "Paris"... Everyone Loves Paris!

"No... not that Paris you idiots"

"Me.... Paris"

"Paris" is now on Remand Awaiting Extradition

Meeting her new Roomies...

And generally making herself at home....

The Louboutins remain unlocated